Great performance by our Los Alamitos Middle School Band tonight . These student did great! Their hard work and dedication was spotlighted tonight! Great job Band Teacher Mr. Carrillo.
about 3 years ago, Reyes Jaramillo
LAMS Band 2
Please join Los Alamitos Middle School Band for our first performance of the year. This will take place at the Grants High School Performing Arts Center on Monday, December 13th at 6:30 pm. The event is free of charge so we encourage you to bring your whole family.
over 3 years ago, Reyes Jaramillo
Band Notes
Attention GCCS Community! Have you visited our new Website and Mobile Apps? We encourage you to do so today at Also, don't forget to download our new Mobile app on your Apple or Android devices and keep up to date with everything GCCS!
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Website Face
Attention GCCS Community! It's here! The new GCCS Mobile App is now Live! Keep up with everything GCCS! You can find it in your Mobile store by searcning for Grants Cibola County Schools and download now!!!
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Mobile App for Facebook!
To all of those that served. From all of us at GCCS. We would like to say Thank You! Thank you for all you did for each of us and for our country! We hope you have Great Veterans Day! You are truly our hero's and deserve to be recognized and honored on this day!
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Veterans Day Appreciation Photo
ATTENTION! Please read the attached letter from School Board President, Ron Ortiz as it will clear up any misinformation regarding the special school board meeting on Tuesday, the 9th of November.
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
School Board Letter from Ron Ortiz
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! To everyone at Los Alamitos Middle School for Winning the Overall Quarter 1 Attendance Championship for Grants Cibola County Schools!!! Keep up the Great Work!!!
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
LAMS Trophy
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
BLW Q1 Attendance Champs!
ATTENTION! There will be a Special Board Meeting on November 9, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Board Meeting Memo
Attention GCCS Staff! Please see the memo from Superintendent, Max Perez!
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Superintendent Memo
YOU'RE INVITED! Grants High School will present its annual Veterans Day Tribute, Honoring All Who Served, on Wednesday, November 10th at 7 pm at the Grants High School Performing Arts Center. Admission will be free and the public is invited to attend. The concert will feature performances by the Grants High School Band and Choir. The GHS MCJROTC Color Guard will be there. The MCJROTC Cadets will also help present handmade quilts to 5 special veterans from our community. The quilts have been made by members of the Mt. Taylor Quilt Guild. Please join us for this special event honoring the Veterans of Cibola County.
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Attention GCCS Friends and Family! You can now follow us on Twitter at Head over and give us a follow!
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
To all in the GCCS Community: A message was sent out on social media this evening regarding a possible threat to the staff and/or students at "Cibola School". Confirmation was made through law enforcement that the message was NOT directed at Grants-Cibola County Schools. The District takes all threats very seriously and remains vigilant against any threat to students or staff. Once again, the threat was not directed at Grants-Cibola County Schools students or staff.
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
AND THE WINNER IS!!!!! Stayed Tuned!!! The Attendance Traveling Trophies will be awarded soon so be on the lookout!!
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Table of Trophies
Attention GCCS Friends and Families. From the Grants Police Department FB Page. Please spread the word! Thanks.
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
GPD Announcement
Hello Buccaneer Families, Again, I want to use this platform to bring to light another Tik Tok Viral trend that we are seeing here at LAMS. . This new trend is showing videos of students using the strings of broken masks to damage chairs and desk. These two pictures are chairs from our school that have being intentionally damaged this week. I have spoken to our district office and if students are caught doing this behavior they will have to pay to replace the damaged property. Also on a legal aspect, our School Resource Officer said that if students are caught they will pursue criminal property damage charges through GPD. Again, I ask that you have a conversation with your child and reinforce the severity of not following along or taking part in these behaviors. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the school tomorrow. Thank you for your continued support.
over 3 years ago, Reyes Jaramillo
Chairs being damaged
Chairs being damaged
Today is over! May tomorrow be Great!!!
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Sunset on the Ocean
Hey all, you can now follow Grants Cibola County Schools on Twitter!!! Check it out and follow here:
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Twitter Bird with Cap!
Just a reminder that tomorrow is Election Day and Here is some important information for your review! Have a Great Day!
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Election Day Flyer
Hey everyone! You can now follow Grants Cibola County Schools on Twitter! Go on over and give us a follow! @gccsgrants
over 3 years ago, Grants Cibola County Schools
Twitter Bird with Grad Cap