What is the Equity Council:
"Equity Councils are responsible for informing and advising school boards, superintendents, charter school governing bodies, and executive directors to ensure that the Martinez and Yazzie Consolidated Lawsuit decision is implemented with a focus on the students most in need of specific support" (NMPED, 2022). The GCCS Equity Council is composed of students, guardians, community members, and district leaders committed to improving outcomes for every student.
GCCS Equity Council Members:
VACANT- GHS Student/Navajo
VACANT-Navajo- Tribal Representative
VACANT- Teacher
GHS Student/Acoma
Donna Martinez, Parent Representative
Monika Whitmore, Laguna Department of Education/Tribal Representative
Stan Maschal, Milan Elem. Principal/Community Representative
Amanda Valdez, Mt. Taylor Elementary School Principal/ Community Representative
Reyes Jaramillo, Grants High School Vice-Principal/School Site Admin. Representative
Dr. Marlene Chavez-Toivanen, NMSU VP for Academic Affairs/High Education Representative
Amy Arkie, Mesa View Principal/ School Site Representative
Dr. Delton Martin, Director of Student Support Services/School District Representative