Public Comment Request Form

13 Questions


Click here to view the Public Comment Policy

If you intend on making public comment, please read the related policy and ensure that your comment complies with the policy. You understand and acknowledge that individual oral presentations will be limited to 5 minutes, unless extended by the Board President. If a large number of individuals have requested to participate in the "Public Comment" section of the Board meeting as to excessively extend the Board meeting, the Board President may limit oral presentations to 2 minutes and may designate a facilitator to control and direct public comment. If there are more than one person speaking on the same topic, the Board President may ask for one representative to speak for the group.

You understand and acknowledge that the Board meeting is a limited public forum in which your comments are limited to the subject matter of the items listed on the Board meeting agenda for this meeting. The Board will not accept any public comment related to matters outside the agenda for this Board meeting. In addition, you shall be solely responsible for the content of your comments. The Board of Education neither adopts nor assumes responsibility for any comments made by you during the "Public Comment" section of the Board meeting.

Public comment which unduly disrupts the orderly progress of any Board meeting or is contrary to the decorum and order of the meeting or the use of language in public comment containing personally abusive epithets toward another which, when addressed to the ordinary citizen, are, as a matter of common knowledge, inherently likely to provoke a violent reaction will be terminated by the Board President. In addition, you understand and acknowledge that the Board of Education and the Board may employ other and further reasonable controls and limitations to ensure the orderly and effective conduct of School District business at any Board meeting.

I request permission to address the Board on a topic that is related to the following agenda item listed on the Board Agenda for this meeting:


*Please submit a written request to the Superintendent's Office for any other Board Meeting requests other than what's already available on this page. Thank you!